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Madame Maryland's Horoscope: June 2020

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: June 2020

Happy June, Marylanders! Summer really is here, and it's time to get creative. What's the best way for your sign to have fun while still keeping safe and healthy? Madame Maryland knows! She looked into her crystal ball, and this is what she saw:

Whether you've got a huge backyard or an itty-bitty balcony, a little bit of outdoor space you can call your own will make you extra happy this month, Aries! Don't forget to breathe in some fresh air and remind yourself that birds and butterflies exist. Remember those?
What kind of new routines can you start building this month? Whether it's establishing a walking route that will keep you active or journaling at the same time every night, you'll thrive on giving yourself a reliable activity that you can do every day. And there's no time like this month to get started, Taurus.
A new look is calling your name this month, Gemini! Sure, we've all made the jokes about bad quarantine haircuts and dye jobs, but if there's anyone who could rock that DIY look, it's you. After all, crooked bangs are going to be the new in look this season.
Thankfully, we're not living in the olden days -- we've still got wi-fi and air conditioning this summer, after all. But you might get a kick out of trying some old-timey activities this summer, Cancer! Think canning jam, learning to sew, or the quarantine standby of baking bread. Mmm, sourdough. 
The summer is hot, Leo, but your witty quips are even hotter. Why not get those amusing thoughts down on paper/your computer/your TikTok account? Laughter is something we all need right now, and you can get everyone giggling thanks to your natural good humor. 
The socially distancing rules are still in place, but that's the perfect excuse for you to venture off into nature all on your own (okay, or with someone you live with who you really like). Listen to the wind in the trees. Hear the chirping of the insects. Try a little bit of meditation...and don't worry about getting dirty! 
The summer days are getting longer, but it's the nights that could be more interesting to you. After all, now's a great time to go stargazing! Haul out your binoculars or splurge on a slick new telescope, and start a new hobby that requires no crowds or other people. Tell us if you spot any UFOs! 
We know, you really want to get out and see all those wild critters -- after all, summertime is the perfect time to go enjoy all of the aquariums and zoos that Maryland has to offer! While that's not an option just yet, you can vicariously join in on the fun via Instagram and live cams. Why not adopt an endangered animal while you're at it, too?
A little nostalgia will go a long way this month! Treat yourself to a marathon of your favorite kid's show from your youth, or see if you can scrounge up some of your favorite recipes from back in the day. For added authenticity, blow the dust off that old VHS player and pop in a tape -- just don't forget to rewind.
It's all about the aesthetic this month, Cap. Want to give your room a new look? Your computer? Your Switch case, your phone case, your shower curtain? We say go with the flow and indulge your need to redecorate everything until it looks just the way you like it.  
Who says you can't use this month to improve yourself? There's room for balance this June; you can spend time playing Animal Crossing nonstop, and you can also spend time teaching yourself some new skills, like how to use Excel or code! That's a real win-win.
Who says you shouldn't dress up just because you don't have anywhere to go? Sure, the sweats and leggings are easy, but you'll feel awfully proud of yourself when you get your makeup, clothes, or accessories looking just the way you like, even if it's just for the sake of that perfect selfie. 

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