We Marylanders are truly a rare breed... and we love it!! We've compiled some of our favorite graphics that you'll only understand if you love the Old Line State. Feel free to add your own comments to tell us you're from Maryland without telling us you're from Maryland!
How you know someone was raised well:
"So every morning I let Sammi (my 5-year-old) pack some snacks for herself while she's at daycare .. usually she gets some chips, a snack cake, some fruit snacks, a juice box, and maybe some candy .... so as we were walking out the door, I was carrying her lunchbox and it felt kinda heavy lol I said "dang what all did you put in here" and she snatched it and said 'my snack' .. so we get to the car and I notice she's guarding her lunchbox with her life, so I took it and opened it."
When restaurants think they can get one over on us:
The TRUE happiest place on Earth:
Okay, this actually isn't a bad idea...
Please prepare yourself for a rant:
An easy way to tell if someone is ACTUALLY from here:
Salt and pepper will always be boring to us...