Madame Maryland's Horoscope: June 2022

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: June 2022

June is here, and summer has fully arrived! We're all looking forward to long, warm days and time spent with friends and family. If you're wondering what June has in store for your sign, well, wonder no more. Madame Maryland looked into her crystal ball, and here's what she saw. 



What do you actually need this month to feel your best, Aries? If you haven't been getting enough social interaction, or private time, or relaxation, you deserve to make sure you have what you need this June! Be honest with yourself, and don't be stingy. Take this time to recoup! 



Being generous will get you far this month! Whether it's with your time, your energy, or your cash, there are people in your life who could really use a little of whatever you've got extra of. Why not share some and ensure everyone's happy?


Take pride in everything you've accomplished, Gemini! Sure, you may not have completed your goals, but it's essential to take some time to look back and see how far you've come. A pat on the back for all of that hard work is a must for you this month. 


Are you hogging the conversation this month, Cancer? It's time to speak a little bit less and listen a little bit more. That doesn't mean to go silent, of course, but you might be surprised to find out how much better your conversations will be when you give other folks a chance to get a word in edgewise. 


Let's be real, Leo. When did you last get a good night's sleep? As tempting as it is to binge that entire new series, wave off the temptation and try hitting the hay a bit earlier this month. You might find that you've got a lot more energy and you're in a better mood, too. 


It's easy to say something you don't mean in a heated moment, but the damage it can do might be a lot harder to undo. Choose your words carefully this month! If it's coming out of your mouth, it better be something you'd say with a clear head. 


What's that new skill you've always wanted to learn but have always told yourself you didn't have time to try? No more excuses this month, Libra. Clear your schedule, get the supplies, and learn how to do that thing that you've been putting off! You may be amazed at how much fun you're finally having. 


Someone younger than you really looks up to you, Scorpio. It might be a family member or someone in your community, but they see you as someone worth emulating. Be sure to nurture them in some way -- show them how to do something new, or give them some good advice! 


Don't let anyone change your mind when you've made it up! If you know what you want and what you need, the other people in your life shouldn't try and deter you. Be firm and clear and let friends, family, and coworkers know that you've got it all under control.


How often do you listen to your own gut, Cap? You may not rely on your instincts as much as you do your logic, but knowing how to listen to your gut is a valuable skill. Once you learn to trust yourself, you may find that you're able to pick up on a lot more information. 


You're getting a lot of plans and ideas thrown at you this month, Aquarius, and you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the possibilities. What to do first? Do you actually want to do that activity? It's time to prioritize! Take a moment to be honest with yourself and plan a summer you'll actually enjoy. 


You're feeling curious this month, Pisces, and June is the perfect time for you to indulge that curiosity. It's time to uncover your family history with some genealogy research, or to learn more about the world around you and how it works. The more you learn, the more you'll want to explore! 

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